Hello! This beautiful little cat arrived about two weeks ago.
She needs a good grooming very badly! She has obviously been on her own for a good while.
She was SO THIN! But, she is quickly putting on weight now.
She loves to cuddle, and would make an ideal lap cat for a lonely person! We have three large dogs, that would love to eat her, so she cannot stay.
I believe that she must be spayed, as she shows no signs of having had kittens.
Seems unlikely that she could have avoided that, under the circumstances.
My guess is that someone loved her, and cared for her very much.
Perhaps they moved, and she was trying to go home? Sad to think of.
I have advertised her, to no avail, as a lost pet.
If you love cats, and want a new best buddy, this cat will be perfect for you.
Please, someone, turn this little cat's life around.
She obviously survived, on her own, for a long time.
She deserves the reward of safety and love.
Thank you!